Saturday, August 18, 2012

Social Media on the Brain?

Welcome to the Social Playbook. Here you will find conversations, articles, videos and tips on social media usage in Sports Marketing.  You will also find some great resources that will help you get started in creating your own successful brand on a Social Media platform. If you have a question feel free to email me and I will respond as soon as possible with an answer.  

So what is social media and how is it being used in sports today? What comes to mind when you think of social media? Is it Facebook or Twitter? Do you think of status updates and posting photos? While these are components and tools of social media, it is so much larger then this. Social media is the medium in which people and businesses independently and transparently collect and contribute information such as text, photos, video and audio using internet tools and platforms. 

As social media evolves so do the tools and platforms that distribute this form of digital communication. Blogs, social networks, micro-blogging, social photo sharing, video sharing, professional networking, social bookmarks, social news, social dashboards, do-it-yourself networks, location and e-commerce sites are just the most popular tools and platforms, however they don't even scratch the surface.  So what is the interest why are all of these tools popping up? 

One of the most popular answers is that social media allows people to reach a large audience of millions of viewers using tools that are free or practically free. However, you may want to note that just because the tools are free it doesn't mean social media doesn't come at a cost and that cost is time. 

Well I just wanted to get you thinking about social media and how many different forms are out there. So what sites do you currently use? Leave your answer in the poll below.

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